You can think of EFT as psychological acupressure, as opposed to acupuncture. It involves talking about areas of difficulty in your life, whilst tapping with your fingers on the same points on the body used in Chinese acupuncture.
Research shows that by tapping on these points, the level of the stress hormone cortisol goes down, which is why it’s such an effective therapeutic tool.
The process allows you to address areas of challenge whilst sending a calming signal to the brain, which then enables you to feel calmer about difficult situations, release fears, and start to make the changes you want to make.
It allows new understandings, perspectives and behaviours to emerge as you feel differently and think differently about whatever the challenge is you’re facing.
EFT can be used to address uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, pain, behaviours, memories and pretty much anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
And whilst it can be crucial to have strategies in place when you’re trying to progress in your career, lose weight, improve your relationships etc., their effectiveness will depend on your ability to carry them out.
EFT allows you to remove the roadblocks to your success, whatever that looks like for you!